Arizona outdoor recreation by the numbers:

  • 1.5 million participants, which includes 584,000 who participate in fishing
  • $13.5 billion economic output
  • $7.1 billion contribution to Arizona’s gross domestic product
  • Supports 114,000 jobs, resulting in
  • $4.5 billion in household income and
  • $1.8 billion in tax revenues

The Trout In The Classroom program has either directly or indirectly influenced more than

5,000 students

annually since its inception in Arizona.

Five ways your fishing license helps conservation

  • Improves fishing and boating access
  • Enhances water quality
  • Maintains fish habitats
  • Teaches and recruits new anglers
  • Plans for long-term conservation

In fiscal year 2020, Arizona Trout Unlimited members volunteered more than

17,000 hours

(a value of about $400,000) in support of TU’s mission to  “Protect, Reconnect, Restore, and Sustain North America’s Coldwater Fisheries and Their Watersheds.”